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Hardcore Henry's House of Metal playlist for 04/29/2018

Moozik playlist for 04/28/2018

Last official show for the semester so it's the "Going Home" playlist. But I'll be back next week with a semester recap of some of my favorite songs I played.

Live From New York, it's Saturday Evening playlist for 04/28/2018

i would like to dedicate tonight's show to dr. janet nepkie and copyright lawyers everywhere

The Great Curve playlist for 04/28/2018

last official show... so only last songs on albums

Listening with Lina playlist for 04/28/2018

a collection of my favorites i've played over the semester - my last show for the semester..... maybe

Heeere's Johnny! playlist for 04/27/2018

it's more darkwave (kinda)

Smash the Apparatus playlist for 04/27/2018

News from Korea playlist for 04/27/2018

DJ Nat the Cat's Weekend Pregame playlist for 04/27/2018

This was the last weekend pregame of the semester. Not to worry! There will be more...just not Friday from 2-4 :) We had Matt and Chris finish their training on the show as well. Thank you all for a beautiful year. I love you all.

Polyphonic playlist for 04/27/2018

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