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Neon Syrup playlist for 04/17/2014

Its thursday and you're thirsty

Remembering the 80's and 90's : Spotlight Performance

Spotlight Performance number 3 !!!

So, I'm very excited about this week's performance because it is sooo powerful. The lead singer, especially, made me feel like he was really living the song. It Is fantastic! This is another male singing group, but a different one. The song is beautiful, and after watching this performance, I think I'm in love with the lead singer (90's him probably not current him), but I saw recent videos and he's still got it!

(cue applause)

Mo on the Radio playlist for 04/17/2014

The Fireside Dance playlist for 04/17/2014

Homestrech playlist for 04/17/2014

Winocalypse 2.0 playlist for 04/17/2014

Synesthesia playlist for 04/16/2014

Random Dancing playlist for 04/16/2014

I feel like these play lists get more and more random every week.

Well here is some random dancing.

The Livest Show playlist for 04/16/2014

it just got real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johanna & Rachelle playlist for 04/16/2014

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