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You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! Playlists

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 02/12/2010

Back from our Two Week break where you guys weren't actually listening. We really hope you guys enjoyed tonight's show and hope you listen next week! Thank you for not listening!

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 01/22/2010

Really Indie Show today! Found a lot of good music during break we are now sharing with you guys! Hope you Weren't Listening =)!

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 11/14/2009

So tonight, If you were listening, You Weren't Listening to Kadeem and Vadhil, You were actually NOT listening wit Kadeem and Zach. So once again thanks for not listening =).

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 11/07/2009

Show got better towards the end Thank You For NOT listening to the First Half =D

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 10/31/2009

HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!! We're 99.9 percent sure no one was listening this week so thanks! =)

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 10/24/2009

Tonight's Theme was mostly early 60's/Motown Music. Hope you guys enjoyed it and thanks for NOT listening once again! =)

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 10/17/2009

We were really bad this week ha! This is the first time we're actually thanking you for NOT listening. =)

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 10/10/2009

This week we had Segments of Different Genre (Three Folky songs, Three Hip-Hop etc..) and One Wild Card Song! Once again Thanks For NOT Listening! =)

You're NOT Listening with Kadeem and Vadhil! playlist for 10/03/2009

This week we had an Electric Theme! Once again Thanks for not Listening! =D

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WONY 90.9FM is a Class A, non-commercial radio station. You can view the station's public file here. Access our most recent Euqal Employment Opportunity (EEO) public file report here. If need assistance accessing the public file or our EEO report, please contact the WONY General Manager at, or (607) 436-2712.