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DJ Socks Super Song Show Playlists

DJ Socks playlist for 04/04/2012

DJ Socks playlist for 02/22/2012

DJ Socks is more entertaining than reruns of Friends!

DJ Socks playlist for 02/15/2012

Happy day after Valentine's Day!

DJ Socks playlist for 02/08/2012

Yaaaaaaay, music! Great selection this afternoon, and a lot of requests!

DJ Socks playlist for 02/01/2012

Oh hey, it's DJ Socks' first show of 2012! It's also DJ Socks' last show as an eighteen year old! WOO.

DJ Socks playlist for 12/11/2011

ON THE AIR FOREVER. But only the first few hours get their playlist posted, because this website apparently starts spazzing out after about 6 hours of music. Wish I'd known that beforehand, but whatever. Next time I do a 24 hour show I'll have a better formatted playlist. Balskjdslfkhsfhsdlfjslfdjsdlfkjsf Is this real life?

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