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Roots and Branches Playlists

Roots and Branches playlist for 03/02/2020

Not a Manic Monday, but a Motown Monday, plus a tribute to NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, no longer a Hidden Figure,

Roots and Branches playlist for 02/24/2020

To celebrate Mardi Gras, I/m cooking up a musical gumbo with the best ingredients from New Orleans.

Roots and Branches playlist for 02/17/2020

Some of my favorite L.A. artists from the mid-60's to the mid-70's.

Roots and Branches playlist for 02/10/2020

My ode to Valentine's Day with love songs from my favorite genres.

Roots and Branches playlist for 02/03/2020

Not a Blue Monday, but a bluegrass Monday

Roots and Branches playlist for 01/27/2020

Some of my favorite things, with lots of covers, plus tributes to Sleepy LaBeef and David Olney.

Roots and Branches playlist for 01/20/2020

a show to honor the legacy of Dr. King on his day.

Roots and Branches playlist for 12/16/2019

Some of your favorite Christmas songs done by some of my favorite artists

Roots and Branches playlist for 12/09/2019

A soulful Monday morning-my playlist is incomplete-I also played some Otis Redding, James Brown, Carla Thpmas, Ann Peebles, and the Staple Singers, among others. Thanks to my air on guests Tracy Mosher '86 and her mom Jean Mosher.

Roots and Branches playlist for 11/25/2019

A folked-up Monday with lots of Dylan and other folkies, plus Alice's Restaurant Massacree.

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