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It's Always Sunny with Palatino! playlist for 09/15/2016

I Got it Covered! All the best covers that all the cool kids are listening to today, i think.

FOUR2THEFLOOR with DJ Boots playlist for 09/15/2016

Into the Woods playlist for 09/15/2016

Happy JAMS!

Into the Woods playlist for 09/15/2016

Happy JAMS!

Indie Alphabetical playlist for 09/14/2016

The Rock Block playlist for 09/14/2016

A surprise visit messes up my rhythm, But we cool now.

Year in Music: 1989 Pixies - Doolittle

Kae's Faves playlist for 09/13/2016

The Christina Trupia Show playlist for 09/13/2016

Shout-out to my brother, Joe, who sat in as a trainee on my show today!! :)

The Real Audrey Kins playlist for 09/13/2016

Hello fellow listeners! I hope it's been a lovely Tuesday for you all.

-Mellow Out -- some acoustic originals and covers
-Lovey-Dovey -- some love songs for all the couples on campus
-Country Time -- some country rock...cuz we are in the middle of nowhere
-Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants -- this soundtrack is beautiful

Route 66's Technicolor Dream Trip playlist for 09/13/2016

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