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Roots and Branches playlist for 10/18/2010

The artists Joan Osborne has covered and the songs she has covered-part I. Plus a remembrance of Laura Nyro, who would have 63 yesterday

Punk Show playlist for 10/18/2010

Anthony's Classic Unmentionables playlist for 10/18/2010

Tearing It Up Mondays playlist for 10/18/2010

Blood and Thunder with The Whale playlist for 10/18/2010

Monday Metal Madness playlist for 10/18/2010

Chris Frink and Alex Sader playlist for 10/17/2010

Trying not to get abducted by aliens, thanks for all that tuned in!

Scrambled Eggs & Megabytes playlist for 10/17/2010

Basically me scrambling around for music. Enjoy

DJ Sock's Super Song Show playlist for 10/17/2010

Running on tea. Woke up way too early. Tons of fun music, including an inordinately large amount of French music, because DJ Sock's friend in France was listening

The Sportsbash with the Buffalo playlist for 10/17/2010

NFL Week 6 picks. Epic win. Lots of other sports stuff as well.

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